Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Just in case I failed to sufficiently ouline the dangers of WEP,

this timely article makes it plain. Two minutes and you're wide open. I suppose that with the increasing speed and decreasing cost of computing power there is always going to be an arms race with security of this kind. I won't even begin to claim that I know a great deal about encryption, but there's one thing I do know. If you have wireless access to your network, get your WPA on - and get it set up with a filthy great key-length. Really, it's enough to put you off the whole wireless thing isn't it? Then again, for home use there's nothing beats bits of wire for speed, ease of setup and security. Of course at this point they burgle you and physically pinch the hard drive. And I guess "they" were always going to be able to take your paperwork away, even before the advent of personal computing. So let's not be too paranoid, but then let's not just set up our security on the path of least resistance either.

On a less techie, and therefore almost inevitably less boring note, the Oxfordshire visual arts festival is now in full swing. If you are not already planning to do so, might I recommend picking up the excellent free guide and schlepping around a few exhibitions? It's a good excuse for walk and a poke into other people's lairs. And, of course, you will be seeing the art. The art can be defined, in my view, as the neat stuff. I have so far been to Bartlemas chapel and to St Alban's church - both East Oxford - and a few other smaller venues. And already I have been delighted with what I've seen. Artweeks really is a great - and free - opportunity to soak up some beauty and expand the horizons a little.

In other news, I am using to make both head and tail of the iMac, my first foray into Macdom. I think it's going to take a long time to fully integrate it into my network and indeed my working methods, but with the specter of XP being eventually end-of-lifed and the unspeakable Vista forced upon us in order to stay "secure" alternatives have to be considered for those of us who are quite computer-reliant. Now that, cack-handedness notwithstanding (see earlier post), both Ubuntu and Apple's OS X will get me 98% of the way there I feel a lot happier.

There I go, thechie stuff again. I'm off to look at some art before it all gets too silly.


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