Sunday, December 16, 2007

Here we are again,

with what is increasingly becoming a monthly update...

It is bloody cold, and looks set to continue that way for a while. The only thing to be said for this is that I intend to go up to the Botanic Gardens in a while and try to convey that cold with my camera. I feel that I am making slow but steady progress with the camera as an expressive tool. I used to be quite happy with my little Olympus Stylus compact, but having the Nikon D40 has disavowed me of this, and ruined my contentment. Now I carry the large Nikon and a couple of lenses, which massively increases the paraphernalia I must carry. And I really need to get a tripod too, which will probably be the straw that broke etc. etc.

I prefer to use my energy to transport my capacious stomach, but needs must.

What else to say? Perhaps now would be as good a time as any to summarize 2007 chez Jimbo.

It was the year that I took my inability to create in any material way outside my head by the horns - although contrary to what tradition would suggest I do not actually have horns outside my head. I got myself a modest home recording setup based on an iMac to replace the Zoom 8 track I was using, which means I can fire ideas in quickly and edit them with relative ease later. I count this a relative triumph, although I remain unconvinced that the iMac is any more stable or productive than my PCs. It's prettier and more elegant though, and those who know me are aware that I set great store by this.

I largely ignored the attentions of various interested women, which I feel I may have done in error. This lesson is a hard one to learn.

I had a holiday that was marred only by internecine strife and illness on the part of a participant.

I avoided changing cars yet again and the hassle that goes with it. Not to mention the cost.

I gigged a fair bit, and this is very good. I could have worked more on recording others and profited by it, but things have been slow. It's terribly expensive to live here, and musicians of course seldom have any money.

I bought quite a few guitars and basses, and I even like some of them. I learned the value of buying ones which play well from the outset by not doing this. I could, after all, always set them up later. This proved somewhat incorrect, although I do seem to do a better job of it than a famous tech who shall remain nameless. Obviously more of an art than a science. Perhaps I am too fussy. At least all my amps and outboard are a delight, due to taking good advice from friends.

Clothing remained stable and functional.

I bought a decent bike which turned out to be rubbish, and I am very cross about this. I have not yet resolved the matter. I sorted out one of the two indecent bikes I had in rage and frustration, was pleased, and then some pikey stole it from my yard within days. I have now gone from two crap, knackered bikes to two crap knackered bikes via the expenditure of real dosh. Watch this space.

My neighbours the Maroc Deli are tossers of the first water, and will pay for their actions big time. If you give these people your money, you contribute to the sum of evil in the world.

I drank gallons of Lady Grey, and it was good. Hopefully Earl Grey will not discover this.

I repaired my mother's senescent word processor saving her a fortune on a laptop which can now be postponed. She can use this money towards some of the damage she has caused this year by mistaking her car and its replacement for battering rams.

I failed utterly to understand the first thing about MIDI, but then I don't really need it so what the hey.

I took a fair number of pictures I am quite proud of, and even got one published.

I did not blog much, but I'm afraid I don't care.

I spent a lot of time in Second Life, currently rather less. I made a couple of good friends there, and it was, and is, fun.

I made quite a few new friends in real life, and this has more than made up for setbacks in other areas.

And I had the craic. I really did. Here's to the next one.


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