Friday, January 19, 2007

Being generally keen on things geographical

I was interested to come across Geograph. It's a very simple idea. For each Ordinance Survey grid square in the UK, an area of something around one square kilometer, there is at least one photo. At the moment an impressive 47-odd percent of the UK has been covered, and of course there are multiple photos for many squares. Fascinating. This could be viewed as being like a sort of Flickr/map hybrid. You can submit pictures to the project, and of course perform searches using various methods. My grandparent's small village in Wiltshire, which does not even warrant a pub, yielded about ten images for example. I think this is a great idea, as longtime readers of my efforts will be well aware that I have a constant hankering to tie the online and offline worlds together more closely. Or perhaps more accurately see them tied together more closely. Still, I've done a little bit to help by alerting you lot to Geograph haven't I?

Now I must tie beer and myself together a little more closely I think. Bye for now...


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