Monday, December 05, 2005

rather admiring of those who just produce a stream of consciousness blog while also being entertaining and having camembert on toast for breakfast with lady grey tea while listening to the MuggleCast and thinking I should go to holland and see the van goghs i haven't seen although i've seen a lot in the van gogh museum i'll go into town in a minute and give some thought to some christmas shopping but honestly i'd rather ride my bike to the netherlands where there are warm and attractive bars and lovely women and lights shining off canals and eaves and i've pretty much stopped the car leaking but i'm buggered if i can commit to an online publishing method so maybe i'll just spew it all out here for a while so that at least i get to look back at it in the future and see what i was thinking at least until i lose this site or blogger mutates or whatever but then i don't suppose any of this stuff really matters all that much given that i've been deleting a load of old files from my documents folder that presumably i'd thought i needed to keep forever but actually are just cruft i think there may be a sale on in virgin so it's a pity they have such a minatory jazz section but c'est la vie right that's it i'll take a look at the places i'd like to be on google earth and make plots to make money to get there and finish my nice cup of tea which is frankly hard to beat


Blogger Steve said...

Yeah, post stuff here! If for no other reason than having comments... (mine will be along the lines of "me too")

I'm also a fan of Holland, Amsterdam is one of those cities that instantly feel "homely" (at least until the night time when it changes a bit, still good though)

I like the villages South of the city too, spent a lovely couple of days pottering about there in a Mini Cooper (not 60's one I'm afraid, but at least it wasn't a BMW one), happy days!

10:10 pm  
Blogger Jim said...

Well, somebody reads this - apart from the comment-spam bots!

As well as always wanting to live in Amsterdam, where it might actually be possible to make a living from the work I do in the arts, I always fancied a Mini. Never could find a decent one that was going cheap, though, which probably says quite a lot about them.

The problem with posting stuff here is the perennial one about keeping a record, so easy eith my other solution, but I'm working on it. Actually, if I go to a Mac next (which is looking quite likely), I'll probably be forced into action on a lot of similar software issues as none of what I use now save for Firefox will work!

7:32 am  

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