Monday, April 11, 2005

Heads! I'm writing something here, rather than just posting a link or two!! I'm actually, inconceivably, MAKING AN EFFORT.

Well, I write stuff all the time over at the ole main blog, but using this 'un as anything other than a repository of links is a new departure. I spend mucho time writing about how I like the way my Jim's Inchoate Weblog resides on my own hard drive real estate and is dynamically published to anywhere on the web. But the truth of it is I'm getting a little pissed off with that, especially now that I have another PC. I mean, look at this here Blogger. It largely rocks - dead easy to post (from anywhere), all mod cons - well, commenting that works. And it's so easy to change the appearance just by selecting a fresh new template.

Seductive. But, as I've said before, tied to the goodwill of dear old Blogger. I mean, it's not like I pay them or anything. I've thought long and hard about the whole issue of where to go from here, and if I were only a little less of a control freak I'd move over to this lock, stock and both smoking ones. The Inchoate blue site could be a prettier, front-end kind of thing, and then the blog could run here. Pretty, and more functional. So I suppose that what I'm really saying is that I need to take a very hard look at data portability. If I could get something rigged up where I could locally save everything I'd really give it a try.

I'm beginning to wish that bloody Pipex would allow scripting on their servers, so that I could run a better package on there; but I don't think that's going to happen...

Stay tuned...


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